It is with great excitement and long-awaited anticipation that we will be opening the doors of Park Kids after being apart for 14 months! We are looking FORWARD - starting this Sunday! - when we will start host classes for 2 years old - 5th grade. Please read a brief description of what the morning will look like so you may choose the best option for your family at this time.
Category: <span>Park Kids</span>
Talking About Race with Our Kids
Hello parents. As we all know, the last week has been a tumultuous week in our nation - circling around the issues of race and injustice. Issues that we cannot and should not ignore, because of how very important they are. They're important for our nation, for the church, for our church, for our families, for our kids, for you, and for me. Your kids might be wondering what's going on out there, and you might not be completely confident with how to talk to them about it.
Anxiety and Kids
During these last three months, we’ve faced extraordinary changes as a society. That has not been lost on our kids. A generation that, as studies show, already faces a 52% increase in anxiety and depression has found itself launched into unprecedented times. They are grieving their routine and mourning the loss of their typical physical and social connection.
Parents: our job has gotten infinitely harder in these last months...
Every Generation Needs a Revolution: a reflection on the 2020 Orange Conference, and 1 Corinthians 13
Everything has changed, but God hasn’t changed. We have experienced tremendous upheaval in our personal lives and in the way we do ministry due to Covid-19. But while change is inevitable, some things never change: faith, hope, and love (1 Corinthians 13).
A Very Helpful MEME.
It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it? I don't know about you but I have been overwhelmed lately with the onslaught of information coming at me and changes happening to me and my family as well as the world around me.
We’re Becoming Orange, and So Should You!
We believe that parents are the PRIMARY influence in a child's life so we want to partner with you because what you do this week, and every week, matters.