Play a part in what God has planned for our church.


Find your purpose while serving others

Serving at Park Church

The vision of Park Church has always been fuelled by a growing, generous, and mission-filled team of incredible servant leaders.

Our Teams are a great way to outwork your faith and contribute your unique talents and abilities to helping our ministries and neighborhoods flourish. No matter what strengths or experiences you may have, there’s a place for you on one of our Park Teams.

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page and someone will get back to you soon!

Welcome – Greeters, Welcome Desk, & Connections

Production – Audio, Sound, Live Stream, & Slides

Hospitality – Food & Beverage & Decor

Creative – Photography, Videography, Social Media, & Graphic Design

Student Ministries – Mid-Week Middle & High School Teachers & Assistants

College & Young Adult – Leaders & assistants

Park Kids – Nursery and Preschool through 8th Grade Teachers & Assistants

Renewal Team – Property Management, Building Maintenance, Upkeeping & Fixing

  • Serve on Sundays

    So many opportunities: be a greeter, set up and serve refreshments, work the A/V booth, direct new visitors, etc.  We want Sundays to be inviting and inspiring gatherings where people connect to Jesus – maybe for the first time – and you can help make that happen.

  • Serve During the Week

    Can you fix a toilet? How are you at planning events? What about decorating? Want to do data entry? Want to fill a need that you think needs filling? We’d love for you to serve like this, so please consider using your gifts here!

  • Serve in a Particular Ministry

    Because we believe the body only works when all members play their part, we are always on the lookout for more leaders: Community Groups, Student Ministries, College and Young Adults, Park Kids, Operations, and so on. Serve through leading.  Lead through serving.

Park Serves aims to equip and lead Park Church in her service towards the world, bearing witness to the love of God in Monmouth County and beyond.  Through our Community Groups and in church-wide efforts, Park Serves works to encourage, enable, and support our service in the community. Find out more and volunteer to serve Jesus in the world like this!