On January 15, Park Kids held a gathering to help families start “Becoming Orange”. So we wanted to share the heart of that time together and some of the practical tips that were given because,
we truly do believe that what happens at home is more important what happens at church.
There is a good chance you know by now that Orange is more than a curriculum we use on Sundays. Orange is a strategy.
Orange is what happens when you take the light of the church (yellow) and combine it with the heart of the home (red).
Here is a short video to introduce you further to the Orange strategy and help you see the power of two influences working together for a greater impact.
As with any strategy, you can’t make or execute it until you know where you are trying to go. Our goal, our win, and we believe your ultimate hope for your children is for them to an authentic faith. An authentic faith means they trust Jesus in a way that transforms how they love God, how they love themselves, and how they love others. This is our hope and prayer for every child and student.
We believe that parents are the PRIMARY influence in a child’s life so we want to partner with you because what you do this week, and every week, matters.
We believe that a little change in the rhythm of your time together as a family will make a lasting impact. We don’t expect you to do everything right away but we do believe that you can do something. And that something can and will make a huge difference in the life of your family and on the spiritual growth of your children.
So What Can You Do?
Download the Parent Cue App right now!
Seriously: take a minute right now, download the Parent Cue App, and register your child(ren) with Park Church. This app has the weekly Bible Story Videos, special and age specific activities for you to do with them throughout the week and at various times throughout the day, questions to ask them, memory verses, and much much more. *Note if you have a child in the Beginners class register them for PRESCHOOL, not as a toddler.
What else can you do?
- Use the Orange Resource wall in Park Kids:
There are monthly sheets that tell you what your kids are learning as well as seasonal or special topic sheets to help you grow as a parent or encourage your family. - Use the newly updated Park Kids website:
Pay close attention to the new Parents: Go Further! section, here you will be able to access weekly Orange sheets for your child’s class and phase. Parents of younger kids: you will find access to weekly sheets that help you engage your children at home. Parents of Elementary students and up: this is where you will find your child’s Godtime sheets (the sheets they bring home from class Sunday).
Sundays are meant to be an introduction to the Bible Story and key life applications for the week, they are meant to be the catalyst for the conversations happening in the home during the week and these weekly sheets foster, direct, and guide those conversations. They put the Bible in the kids hands and puts application into action. - Learn about your child(ren)’s phase:
Start to understand your child’s phase (age) differently and use that to build relationships and foster faith conversations and growth. Here is a simple phase timeline. Be on the lookout for more Park Kids phase events and information. - Ask for help.
You can not and should not do this alone. Join a Community Group and start widening your family circle.
Before you go here is a little encouragement:
God is telling a story of restoration and redemption through your family. You will feel like you are failing, you will actually fail (encouraged yet?) – BUT despite that –
God desires to work in your heart today, and everyday, so your children will have a front row seat to the grace and goodness of God.
As with all things Park Kids, contact our Park Kids Coordinator Rebecca Delucia for more information, with questions, etc.