Giving at Park Church

Giving towards God’s mission in Monmouth County and beyond.

Giving at Park Church

At Park Church, we believe that everything we have belongs to God – and has been given to us for God’s purposes. Therefore, we can give freely, joyfully, and with a thankful heart. If you call Park Church your home, our hope is that you will develop a practice of giving that is faithful to God, liberating for yourself, and a blessing for others. If you have questions about giving to Park Church, contact our Admin Team.

Online Giving


We have upgraded our giving platform to make giving easier for you, better for everyone, and more secure. The new platform is called Pushpay, and we really think you’re going to like it.  Try it today!

Automatic Giving Via Your Bank

Automatic Giving is a safe, easy and secure way to support Park Church – and it involves no fees (so Park gets 100% of your donation). It allows you to set up automatic contributions from your bank account directly to the church. You can set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift, so you’ll be able to give the way you want, whenever you want.

Give by Check or Cash

Of course, giving by check or cash is always a good option.  On Sundays, use the provided brown giving envelopes and the wall-mounted giving boxes.  Mail all donations to:

Park Church
31 Park Rd.
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

Give by Stock Donation

Here’s the needed details to give a stock donation:

Account #866848919
Account title/ registration: Outreach Red Bank Ministries Inc.
Contact name: Alipio Sigueroa, (732) 945-2820
Mailing address: P.O. Box 2760, Omaha, NE 68103-2760
Name of receiving institution: TD Ameritrade
DTC Number: 0188

Give by AmazonSmile

Use this link whenever you’re purchasing anything through Amazon, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Park Church! No strings, it doesn’t change your price, doesn’t mess with your Prime…just an easy way to donate!  If the link doesn’t work for some reason, go to, and search “Park Church” to support it as your organization. (It might say “Outreach Red Bank Ministries” still – this is our old name…and yes, we know we’re in New Jersey, not North Dakota!)