Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

Join us for our men's breakfast for a time of fellowship and growing in our relationship with God together. It will be on May 18th from 9am to 10:30am at Park Church.

Beach House

Beach House

Join us on Saturday, June 8th at Ocean Grove Beach for a collaborative youth & young adult Beach Day! We’ll be gathering with friends from other churches and ministries from New Jersey to play games, soak in some sun, celebrate baptisms, and experience a time of praise and worship on the pavilion. Please see the...

Park Prom!

Park Prom!

All of Park Church is invited to the Prom. It will be a fun night of music and dancing. No dress code required, no dance skills required, just come and have a great time.

Park 101

Park 101

If you're new at our church we want you to feel at home. Our Park 101 class is a chance for you to learn more about our church, hear from our leaders, and ask questions.

Service Weekend

Service Weekend

Our amazing PARK SERVES team has curated several service opportunities to help serve our neighbors of Monmouth County.

Good Friday Evensong

Good Friday Evensong

On Good Friday, we remember the night that Jesus died and the significance of His time in the grave.