Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

Grow in faith, achieve your goals, and find community Park Church’s men’s ministry is a community of men who are pursuing God together. We want to biblically equip men to become spiritual leaders in their homes and communities. By praying together, holding each other accountable, and growing in our relationship with Jesus, we desire to...

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast

Join us for our men's breakfast for a time of fellowship and growing in our relationship with God together.

Overwhelmed | Luke 1:26-38| Denny Sant | 12.22.24

Overwhelmed | Luke 1:26-38| Denny Sant | 12.22.24

Pastor Denny preached on Luke 1:26-38 as we discussed Mary, angels, OT prophecies, and what to do when we feel overwhelmed by life or when God calls us to do, say, or be someone outside of our comfort zone.

Ministry Team Dinner

Ministry Team Dinner

On Saturday, Feb 8th at 6pm the Park Church Elders will be hosting a dinner to celebrate all of you who serve on a ministry team (Park Teams) at Park Church. There will be no childcare. The meal will also be gluten free. RSVP here by 1/26/25!