Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter Egg Hunt!

On Sunday March 28, after our first outdoor worship gathering of the new year, we will hold an Easter Egg Hunt!  We'll have eggs to hunt, crafts, and more. It's for ages 0-10 (5th grade), and we'd love to see you there...in fact, we'd love to see you bring a friend as well.

March 5, 2021April 5, 2021by
March 14: A Time To Pray

March 14: A Time To Pray

On Sunday March 14 from 2-5PM, we will be opening up the auditorium at 31 Park to simply give you some time to pray. For many of you, it might be your first time "back" to 31 Park in over a year. We'll have some quiet music playing in the hallways, socially distant prayer stations in the auditorium, and a guide to help you along. Feel free to stop in whenever you'd like, for as long as you'd like (open house style).

March 5, 2021March 23, 2021by
March Update

March Update

Let's Get Together! We hope you're having a nice March so far...in like a lion, out like a lamb and all. We have some exciting in-person gatherings to let you know about in this month's video update, so make sure to watch the video above.

March 5, 2021March 5, 2021by
Park Sunday Gatherings

Park Sunday Gatherings

This spring, Park Church will be gathering for simplified outdoor Sunday worship gatherings at 312 Hance Ave. (former Monmouth Church of Christ property) at 9:30AM (weather permitting!).

March 5, 2021June 11, 2021by
Be Still

Be Still

Every winter, apple trees become “dormant.” They do not produce fruit and, on the surface, it seems like nothing important is happening. They just sit there – cold, dreary, and fruitless. However, winter “dormancy” for apple trees – though it seems like a wasted season – is actually vitally important for their health and growth. Similarly...it’s winter. It’s cold. It's snowy. And COVID is still here. With our eyes on spring, warmer weather, and the hope of a vaccine, it’s easy to lose sight of what God wants to do in you right now - even in this "dormant" season. So here’s the question: How might God be inviting you to grow during this season? That's what we'll being to explore in our new series, "Be Still". Check it out here!

About re-opening…

About re-opening…

Dear Park Family and Friends, I have a vivid memory of one morning last March. I was eating breakfast at Americana Diner with my family and in-laws who were about to leave after a brief visit. The news anchors on the flatscreen TVs were consumed with the rapidly spreading coronavirus. I was consumed with the question of what this would mean for Park. That upcoming Sunday became our first Park@Home. Despite the adaptability and excellence with which our staff were able to pivot (special shoutout to Matt Agresti), after making the decision to move worship online, I remember thinking to myself, “I hope this doesn’t last more than a month.” And nearly one year later, here we are.

February 17, 2021February 17, 2021by
February Update!

February Update!

Happy February! Now on with the updates...We hope you had a wonderful snowy week, and are gearing up for a super weekend. We want to keep you up-to-date on some of the big goings ons at Park, so here's a video update from Michael (click the video above). This month's update hits on:Park Kids and the Family Pastor search, Sunday gatherings, Community Groups. We hope this is helpful to keep you up to date on some big things happening at Park. Let us know what sort of updates you'd like in the future.

February 6, 2021February 6, 2021by