THIS SUNDAY (JUNE 6): our last Park @ 312 Outdoor Worship Gathering!
…because next week (June 13), we’re going back indoors! We’d love for you to join us for this special morning to close our “Restart” series, to celebrate the God who gives us life, and to close our time outdoors at 312 Hance with a big party! Join us at 312 Hance Ave. (former Monmouth Church of Christ property) at 9:30AM!
It’s BYOS: bring your own seat (chair, blanket, etc.)!
We are super excited and at the same time realize that things are still very different. Here are the details, so please read carefully:
- Where?
- What time?
- Kids?
- What if I can′t make it?
- Where will we sit?
- What safety measures will be in place?
- Bathrooms?
- What about bad weather?
We will be gathering for worship at 312 Hance Ave. (former Monmouth Church of Christ property) – NOT 31 Park Rd.
While meeting outdoors, we are now hosting classes for 2 years old – 5th grade. Please read a brief description of what the morning will look like so you may choose the best option for your family at this time.
WHERE: Only at 312 Hance Avenue, Tinton Falls. We will not do indoor classes at 31 Park at this time.
WHEN: Sundays at 9:15 am (yes, 15 minutes before the service starts) to check your children in and learn where to drop-off/pick up. Look for the tent, orange balloons, and friendly faces in orange Park Kids t-shirts (by the row of pine trees at the center of the parking lot).
WHO: children 2 years old – 5th grade. The children will be broken up into 3 different age groups for classes.
DETAILS: Most of the morning will be spent in 3 separate outdoor spaces for discussion, games, crafts, etc. Each age group will rotate INSIDE (multipurpose room) and hear the Bible lesson for 15 minutes. Everyone will be masked and socially distanced.
MORE DETAILS: Upon arrival, all children will have their temperatures taken, hands sanitized, and be given a mask, if needed. Anyone displaying a temperature of 100.4° or higher will be asked to return home. If you or your children have any Covid-19 symptoms, we ask you to keep them home.
IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO PUT YOUR CHILD(REN) INTO PARK KIDS: we have activity bags for the kids, and there’s also plenty of open space for young kids to (reasonably) toddle around.
Contact Rachel Hegner, interim Park Kids Coordinator, for any questions you may have. We welcome any thoughts or feedback as we navigate this next phase together.
At 9:30 each Sunday, we will live-stream the service on You Tube (link on front-page) and Facebook (good weather or bad, there WILL be a live stream!).
These are bring-your-own-seat (BYOS) gatherings. We will be using a warm spot in the sun in the cooler months, and a nice shady spot under the trees when it’s warmer.
At Park, we take health and safety very seriously. So we kindly ask that you note these guidelines and restrictions for our outdoor worship gatherings:
- We ask that everyone wear a mask indoors.
- We ask that all children in Park Kids wear a mask from drop off to pickup.
- We ask that anyone who has knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the past two weeks stay home and enjoy the live-stream instead.
- We ask that everyone practice social distancing (6 feet) to the best of their ability.
- For song lyrics, contactless programs are available – as well as a digital program (to access, scan the displayed QR codes on Sunday or get the program at parkchurchnj.com/program)
- This is a BYOS (Bring Your Own Seat) event, so please practice social distancing as you find your spot in the grass.
- Building use is permitted for bathroom use only.
- We will NOT be serving bagels, coffee, water, etc.
- We will be celebrating communion once a month, using individual serving communion choices. Details will come that morning.
You bet! In the building, masks on at all times, with one adult in the bathroom at a time.
If the weather is bad, we will cancel the outdoor service – but we will host a limited capacity indoor service at 31 Park. Registration is required. Check out the details here.
Please be checking social media / your email the morning of. The decision to cancel or not will be made each morning by 8:00 AM. So be checking your email. Live stream will happen regardless of weather on You Tube (link on front-page) and Facebook!