God’s Vision is Renewal

God’s Vision is Renewal

Last week, we heard that good vision is God's vision...but what is God's vision? Listen to what God's amazing vision is in today's message.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

After all the brokenness - what we most deeply need is healing. It's hard to imagine a world where we are ever truly and actually healed, but it is the promise that God has given us. Listen to this message and find hope for the future that empowers you to run the race today.

The Most Politically Radical Thing You Can Do

The Most Politically Radical Thing You Can Do

In such a politically charged culture, what's the most politically charged thing you can do? If we carefully read from the most politically charged book in the New Testament, we find out a surprising answer. Check it out!

Act 6: Restoration

Act 6: Restoration

What is God's final intention for his good creation? What is God's final intention for you in the middle of it? The word that captures it is "restoration", the future we're promised is "new creation", and the approach we may have is "hope".