This Sunday, Darlene Eason will be teaching and leading us through Ephesians 3:14-19.
Sermon Tag: <span>Prayer</span>
9 Ways to Follow Jesus: Prayer
This Sunday we continued our series "9 Ways To Follow Jesus" and discussed the importance of prayer.
Jesus and Prayer
It's a bummer that we weren't able to gather on Sunday morning in-person, but thankfully by the power of His Spirit, God gathers us even as we are scattered in our homes. So if you missed this wonderful Zoom worship gathering centering on Jesus and prayer, experience it right here!
Deliver Us
Is yours a vacation mindset, or a war zone mindset? It's an important question that the Lord's Prayer raises. Check it out here!
Give Us & Forgive Us
God gives us what we need and fulfills what is our deepest need. Listen to how that forms us and our prayers!
It’s Not About You
Your name...your kingdom...your will. It really isn't about you. Find out what it is about right here!
God our Father
As we kick off our new series on prayer, the first question is 'to whom do we pray?' What does it mean that God is our Father?
The Prayerful Imagination We Need
What do we need to be the people of God in the world, on mission to share the good news of Jesus with others?
Carrying People to Jesus
One of the best ways to love where you live is simply to pray for the people around you. Check out this very challenging message on this central piece of our mission!