Today, we dive into Ephesians 1:1-3 and discuss what it means to be welcomed by God.
Sermon Tag: <span>Ephesians</span>
…Through Faith
How do we respond to the grace of God, as demonstrated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? It's called faith, and we are called to live our lives from it. So let's find out more!
By Grace…
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith…” In this 2-part mini-series, we examine these foundational words that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians. Today, we explore what the concept of "grace" is really all about, and what actually means for us today.
If It Actually Mattered, It’d Matter More
One barrier that people experience in coming to faith is that it just seems irrelevant sometimes. Where's the new life? Where's the transformation? If it actually mattered, it'd matter more. So how can we remove that barrier by making faith relevant in all of life?
Enemies and Kingdoms
Who is our enemy? Who is our king? What does it look like to live in his kingdom?
Eyes to See
Sometimes we miss what God is doing in our lives because we just don't have eyes to see it. Check this message out and seek out enlightened eyes!
Will The ____ Ever Go Away?
What stands in the way becomes the way. How can we get the anger, the resentment, the mistrust, and the hurt out of the way so we can live a different way? By the way of forgiveness.
God Made You, So Live Like It
What God has made you means more than what _________ has made you. Can you believe that? Can you live it?
Grow Together
How does Jesus call us to grow as his followers? The answer is always together, because it is like we are a body that joined and knit together, or it is like we are branches...
Pictures of Parenting
What do you do to provoke your children? How can you provide for them instead?