The Cross

The Cross

"Cursed is anyone who is hung on a tree". In this message, we hear about how God responds to our brokenness: by becoming broken for us.

The Cross

The Cross

Looking back at 4 different Days of Hope, how does the death of Christ move us into hope? The darkness? The temple curtain? The soldier's realization? Hear about it right here.

The Power of the Invisible

The Power of the Invisible

Something invisible is changing our world temporarily, and we all feel it. But something invisible happened behind the very visible death of Christ 2000 years ago that changed the world forever. Hear more as we remember Christ’s death on this special Good Friday service.

Act 4: Redemption

Act 4: Redemption

Jesus: the center, the climax of the story. From his life, to his death, and through to his resurrection, he shows us who God is, brings about his kingdom on earth, and calls us each to follow him.

Saturday: Jesus Means Assurance

Saturday: Jesus Means Assurance

Where can you go that is outside of God’s reach? The Psalms promise us that there is no such place. Jesus proves it true in his death. He took on our death so that we could be assured of life. This really changes things. In fact, it changes everything.

Friday: Jesus Means Forgiveness

Friday: Jesus Means Forgiveness

"Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” This is what was said of Jesus at the beginning of his work. At the end of his work we see this Lamb slain to accomplish this very purpose. Listen to why this Friday is so good, and how it changed the world forever.

Thursday: Jesus Means Freedom

Thursday: Jesus Means Freedom

The Passover festival was the great celebration remembering how God freed his people from slavery in Egypt, establishing them anew. On the day before his death, Jesus hosted a new kind of Passover meal. This one looked forward to the day God would free the world from slavery in every form – and change the world - forever.