The Practice of Listening

The Practice of Listening

Listening is one of the single most powerful things we can do, and sometimes it's the only thing we can really offer another. So start practicing now!

True Humility

True Humility

What does true humility look like?  It's the kind of humility that we need to cross the divide and be part of God's mending of this broken world. It's the kind of humility that Jesus shows us.

The Power of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel

We live in a divided world, that much should be obvious by now. The truth is, there are powers at work to make us divided - but none can match the power of God, displayed on the cross. Check it out here!

Fear of Missing Out

Fear of Missing Out

FOMO (fear of missing out) is a thing you may have heard of. It's actually quite a powerful force in our lives. Jesus knew that, so he taught us how to avoid it and find life instead.

Facing Disappointment

Facing Disappointment

Disappointment. We all face it. It's unavoidable. And how we respond to it makes all the difference. Our response to disappointment is a fork in the road, with one way leading to life, the other way leading no where. In faith, let's choose the right road.

Making the Most

Making the Most

It's true. We're all missing out on a lot during this pandemic. But God wants us to make the most while we're missing out. So make sure you don't miss out on it!

Psalm of Kingship

Psalm of Kingship

The Lord reigns. And that is indescribably good news. It’s news that we need on days like these. That’s what we explore the series conclusion of “Drawing Near: Moving Closer to God While Far from Others”.

Psalm of Wisdom

Psalm of Wisdom

Don’t you want to live the life that God has made you to live? Of course you do. For that, we need God’s wisdom. This week’s Psalm of Wisdom walks us down that path.

Psalm of Remembrance

Psalm of Remembrance

One of the very best things we can do is to remember how much God has done for us, because it reminds us who the main character and what true theme in our story really is. Check it out!