Q&A: The Story

Q&A: The Story

Throughout The Story series, we took your questions about the big story told in Scripture. Today, we did our best to answer a few of them!

Act 6: Restoration

Act 6: Restoration

What is God's final intention for his good creation? What is God's final intention for you in the middle of it? The word that captures it is "restoration", the future we're promised is "new creation", and the approach we may have is "hope".

Act 5: Church

Act 5: Church

As people of Act 5, this is our part of the story - which means it's your part of the story. And God has a great part for us to play. So what is it that you are called to do in this time?

Act 4: Redemption

Act 4: Redemption

Jesus: the center, the climax of the story. From his life, to his death, and through to his resurrection, he shows us who God is, brings about his kingdom on earth, and calls us each to follow him.

Act 3: Promise

Act 3: Promise

At this point in The Story, humanity's relationship with God is broken because of their rebellion. The question is, what will God do? The answer reveals a God who keeps his promise, regardless of the cost. You're going to want to hear this one.

Act 2: Rebellion

Act 2: Rebellion

God created everything good but something went deeply wrong, and what went wrong tends to ruin everything. Find out this crucial part of "The Story" right here!

Act 1: Creation

Act 1: Creation

Where did we come from? A good question, and as you'll see, an important question for how we live life. Find out more as we launch into the first act of the six act play in "The Story".

The One True Story

The One True Story

What’s the story that you live by? Jesus invites us to live by the one true story of the world – the story that scripture tells. Find out what that means here!