Bill, Andy, and Brian lead us into a discussion about what's next for our community and give insight into our next sermon series.
Sermon Category: <span>No Series</span>
Peace Be With You
In his final message as our Lead Pastor, Michael takes us through John 20:19-23.
Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus: A Message on Grief
During this unique Sunday service we discuss the topic of grief and how we can respond as followers of Jesus.
Tired of Being Tired
This Sunday, Andy leads us in a discussion centered around rest, the Sabbath, and how misguided rules can lead us away from God's purposes.
Jesus and Prayer
It's a bummer that we weren't able to gather on Sunday morning in-person, but thankfully by the power of His Spirit, God gathers us even as we are scattered in our homes. So if you missed this wonderful Zoom worship gathering centering on Jesus and prayer, experience it right here!
Every Nation, Tribe, People & Language
What is it that divides us? More importantly, what is it that unites us? It's not what we look like, but who we look to. Find out more here!
Jesus & Women
On Mother's Day, we take time to honor and give thanks for the women in our lives who have blessed us, made our lives better, and made us who we are. And so in this day where we honor women, we’ll look at the way that Jesus honored them, and lifted up the place of women in a society that generally went in the other direction.
Enemies and Kingdoms
Who is our enemy? Who is our king? What does it look like to live in his kingdom?
Around and Around
For most of us, this year has been a long one. In many ways, it wouldn’t surprise anyone if it felt like you were just going around and around this year, but not really feeling like you’re moving forward. In this message, we hear about how that just might be how God transforms you.