What gets in your way when you are trying to see Jesus? Explore how to see him - and fix your eyes on him - in this great series wrap up!
Sermon Category: <span>Fix Your Eyes</span>
Jesus the Savior
Jesus asks us who do we say he is? There's an answer that gives life, purpose, salvation, and is true: he is our savior. Hear more!
In This Way He Breathed His Last
What did the centurion see when he saw Jesus breathe his last breath? Whatever he saw, we need to see it too.
Help Me To See What I Can’t See
What image of Jesus do you have? A Jesus that's more like Santa? Like a Genie? Or like Jesus Jesus? The Jesus who stops for you. Check it out!
The End of Fear
When Jesus comes into our lives, it ought to mean the end of our fear. Does it? It can, if we fix our eyes on Jesus