This winter, we’re embarking on “Love Where You Live” – an 8-week study focusing on our calling and mission to love our neighbors as God’s means of reaching out to the world that He loves. It is meant to align our hearts with God’s as we turn outward to the world around us – to love where we live.

So What’s Your Story?
What is the story that God is writing in your life? Whatever it is, God means to redeem your story and make it be redeeming for others. Hear more here!

Faith Without Works? Nah.
James reminds us that our faith without works of love in the world just can't work. So listen to how to be able to put it into action!

Get Out of the Way
God has a mission towards this world, and sometimes we simply have to learn to get out of God's way. Check it out here!

Carrying People to Jesus
One of the best ways to love where you live is simply to pray for the people around you. Check out this very challenging message on this central piece of our mission!

Embodying God’s Love
When talking about loving those in your ‘way’ as he taught and modelled for us, Jesus had a simple command for us: go and do likewise. You might be the only “Jesus” people ever meet, so how can you go and do likewise towards the people in your ‘way’? We can do it by embodying God’s love.

The Good Samaritan Ripple Effect
Who knows what can happen when we do our part and "go and do likewise"...well, God knows - and that's the point. Check it out here!

Invest & Invite
Jesus calls us to love people who are disadvantageous for us to love, to invest in outsiders, and to invite them in. It's what we're for, and it's imperative that we're doing it. Are you?

Let’s Get Our Stories Straight
The church exists in the world as God’s people in order to be a blessing to those around – to love where we live. So how can we do that better? It all starts with the story that we live by, the story we tell ourselves, and the story our lives actually tell. So let’s get our stories straight, and be God’s people for the world together!