Due to the blizzard, tomorrow morning’s in-person worship service has been cancelled. Instead, join us on Zoom at 9:30 for a different kind of worship service: a time of prayer, reflection, scripture, and more.
Use this link at 9:30AM Sunday morning: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89613842782?pwd=dDJCcEhQaFBYbUlVWmJUWFN5cVFmQT09
So get yourself cozy for tomorrow morning, get your coffee and hot cocoa ready, and we’ll see you at 9:30! Be safe out there, shovel your neighbor’s sidewalk, and take care of one another.
Full Zoom invite:
Topic: 1-30-2021 Park Church Worship Service
Time: Jan 30, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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