Love in Action: Afghan Refugees

Love in Action: Afghan Refugees

Over the last week, many of you have reached out to us about how we might help and serve the refugees that are coming from Afghanistan to New Jersey.  It weighs heavy on all of our hearts, and we are so thankful for your compassion and willingness to put God’s love into action.

We are excited to announce that have two ways you can help today:

September 1, 2021September 10, 2021by
HABcore Moving Day Drive

HABcore Moving Day Drive

On Sunday June 27, you may have heard from Marta Joy Quinn, Senior Director at HabCore, about the wonderful work they are doing in and around Monmouth County by providing long-term housing to residents in need. We believe that providing housing - and thus stability, dignity, and hope - is close to the very heart of God. As part of our mission, we are asking the Park community to take part in a month-long "HABcore Moving Day Drive" that will help fulfill the organizational wish list for new residents.  Many of the HABcore families arrive at their new housing with only the clothes on their back, and the wish list helps ensure that every resident has their practical needs met from day one.

June 28, 2021July 14, 2021by
How Can You Help? A 4/16 Park Serves Update.

How Can You Help? A 4/16 Park Serves Update.

How can you help during this coronavirus health crisis?
Good question. We’ve got options.
As Sharon mentioned in the video above, there are three very direct, safe, and simple ways to help out during this health crisis.

April 15, 2020April 15, 2020by
Four Ways to Follow Jesus this Week

Four Ways to Follow Jesus this Week

Last Sunday morning, Michael asked the question, “What might it look like to follow Jesus in the midst of this coronavirus storm?” In light of this question, here are some opportunities to serve.

March 25, 2020March 25, 2020by