

The gospel is fundamentally good news about the welcome of God. In the same way that God has welcomed us as sinners saved by grace, so too we welcome all people, inviting them to the God of grace who has revealed Himself in Jesus.

Some bittersweet news…

Some bittersweet news…

Easter is a reminder of God’s commitment to renewal. What God did for Jesus by raising him from the dead, He has promised to one day do for all creation and has begun to do in and through us, His people. And while it’s exciting to join God in doing a new thing; it can also be hard. Painful even. Change often is.

So it’s with a bittersweet feeling that I want to share some big news.

Matt Agresti, Park Church Associate Pastor of Worship and Communication (and so much more) recently accepted the call of

Seeing Jesus

Seeing Jesus

Sometimes, even when Jesus is right in front of our eyes - we just don't see him? Why? And more importantly, how can we come to see Jesus for ourselves?

Reimagine Park Church

Reimagine Park Church

This week, we launched a new vision for Park Church - to be a community that exists by following Jesus together, for the renewal of all things. Find our more about what that means for us here!

Be My Priests

Be My Priests

Jesus, as our High Priest, brings God to people and people to God. In a different way, we're called to do the same exact thing as his people. Find our more here!

Be My Witnesses

Be My Witnesses

As Prophet, Jesus communicates to others who God is. We, as his witnesses, are called to do the same. Find out about all we are called to be as his witnesses!

So I Send You

So I Send You

Just as Jesus was sent to be our Prophet, Priest, & King - so he sends us out into the world that he loves. Join us as we dive deeper into what it means that we're sent - and not stuck.