Where Do We Go From Here

Where Do We Go From Here

Where do we go from here? It's a question we all ask, we all need to ask, and we all will ask - and it's one that only the lavish love of God can truly answer. Check it out here!

Carrying People to Jesus

Carrying People to Jesus

One of the best ways to love where you live is simply to pray for the people around you. Check out this very challenging message on this central piece of our mission!

The Way Forward

The Way Forward

Maybe it's time for you to lay the things down that drag you down so that you can live the life you were meant to...it's a new year, give it a shot!

Let There Be Peace

Let There Be Peace

“Peace on earth, goodwill to men…” We're talking about the peace that Christmas truly brings, because looking at our world – we have to be missing something!

Help Me To See What I Can’t See

Help Me To See What I Can’t See

What image of Jesus do you have?  A Jesus that's more like Santa?  Like a Genie?  Or like Jesus Jesus?  The Jesus who stops for you. Check it out!

Grow Together

Grow Together

How does Jesus call us to grow as his followers?  The answer is always together, because it is like we are a body that joined and knit together, or it is like we are branches...

Forgive One Another

Forgive One Another

What can we name and what can we give as we are called to forgive one another?