Let There Be Love

Let There Be Love

For God so loved the world...that the very first Christmas happened - so that you could have life! Why wouldn't you receive this gift? Check out more here!

Will I Ever Be __________ Enough?

Will I Ever Be __________ Enough?

Will I ever be _____ enough? Smart enough? Thin enough? Pretty enough? Strong enough?  Will I ever be good enough?  For many of us the answer is an impossible "no" and it drives us to shame.

Come and See

Come and See

How do we invite people to follow Jesus in a world that is ambivalent towards Christianity, the church, and faith?  The disciple Philip provides us with an excellent model.  Check it out here!

Fish or Follow?

Fish or Follow?

What is the event that defines your life?  If it's anything other than the resurrection of Jesus, you lose, the world loses, we lose.  So will you choose to fish, or to follow?

Grow Together

Grow Together

How does Jesus call us to grow as his followers?  The answer is always together, because it is like we are a body that joined and knit together, or it is like we are branches...

Serve Others

Serve Others

In this sermon, we hear how far God came down to serve us in Jesus Christ. We are reminded that Christ came to serve, not to be served.

Connect with Jesus

Connect with Jesus

What's the first 'ingredient' of Following Jesus?  It is to Connect with him as the source and direction and goal of life...

A Space for Friendship

A Space for Friendship

God has created space for us to be us, for us to be friends with God, and for us to be friends with one another.  How can you create space for friendship?