Going anywhere for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially when that ‘anywhere’ is a new church.
All sorts of questions flood the mind: What will it be like? How long is the service? What’s expected of me when I get there? Do I have to dress nicely? Will they tolerate my crying baby? Where does my 2nd grader go during the service? I don’t know anything about Christianity or God or anything…will I be totally lost? Hopefully, this page will answer some of these kinds of questions.
The worship service is about 65 minutes long. If you get there late, don’t sweat it. Just come right in and find a seat. It is a casual environment as far as attire and such. You can wear whatever you’d like to wear. Come in shorts, a tee, and sandals; come in a suit; roll out of bed in a hoodie and sweats. Most people fall somewhere in between. We have amplification so you’ll be able to hear everything from anywhere, although be aware that the music tends to be loud in the very front. You don’t need your own Bible but feel free to bring one. Also, if you don’t have a bible we offer them to all visitors. Most weeks, however, the bible text for the sermon will be up on the projector screen. There is coffee time in between services to hang out and get to know other people at Park.
The worship service is designed so that everyone should feel included, welcomed, and able to follow the service. Even people who think of themselves as far from faith, un-knowledgable of Christianity, and non-fluent in ‘God-talk’ should be able to follow the service and its content. This is never perfectly accomplished, but it is a commitment of Park Church to do its best in this regard.
In any given service, we’ll sing about 4 songs. If you haven’t been to Park Church before, you may not know the songs. That is ok, you’ll pick them up as we sing.
We’ll sing songs, read and explore the Scriptures, celebrate in the Lord’s Supper, and connect in community. Depending on the service there might be different elements of worship as well, such as baby dedications, baptisms, testimonies, congregational updates, and more. Most of the elements of worship are led by volunteers from the community, as we believe that worship is the responsibility of the whole community. There is no offering plate or basket passed around, but there are wooden boxes near the entrances where you can give. You do not have to give money to participate in Park Church and its worship. However, if you are a regular participant at Park Church, you are encouraged to so that Park can continue to do the good work that God is calling it to…and more of it!
One note: the Lord’s Supper can be confusing, as different church traditions have different ideas and procedures involved. At Park, everyone is welcomed and invited to partake in the Lord’s Supper. This is only because we believe that Christ’s death is for all people, and God has invited us all to Himself in Christ. Instructions will be given every Sunday.
New to Park Kids?
We are so glad to meet you! Please visit the Check-in desk to register your children and pick up a welcome goodie bag. There will be someone there to direct you to the right classroom and answer any questions you may have. There are welcome brochures at the welcome desk and park kids policy booklets for you to take as well.
For the safety of our children, we have a computer check-in system at Park Kids. It is located right outside the entrance to the Park Kids’ common area. Before taking your child to class, please stop by the Park Kids Check-in Desk each week to pick up your child’s label and parent pick-up slip. Tell the check-in person your last name and the ages/grades of your children. Younger children receive 2 labels, one for the teacher and one for their back as a nametag. You will bring the labels and your child to class and give the labels to the teacher. You hold on to your matching parent label to be used at pick-up.
All children are to be picked up after the service is over. Don’t forget your parent label for your children to be picked up!
Child Dedications.
At Park Church, we perform child dedications for babies and young children and baptisms for those who have decided to follow Christ.
At the Sunday Worship Service:
The nursery is for children 6-24 months. However, during our 9:30 service, parents are welcome to accompany their children in the nursery and watch the live stream (or sit in the back hallway with a noisy baby!). For nursery care, please be sure to first visit the Park Kids check-in area to check in your child(ren) and receive instructions. Please bring a clearly labeled bag with any diapers, food, supplies, etc. that are necessary.
2 Years Old and Up:
There are 5 separate classes that run for ages 2 years through 5th grade at our 9:30 service.
9:30 Service:
– Beginners: ages 2 and 3
– Pre-school: ages 4 and 5
– Lower Elementary: K-1st Grades
– Middle Elementary: 2nd-3rd Grades
– Upper Elementary: 4th – 6th Grades (in Park main office)
These classes are led by volunteers and parents from the community. All of our volunteers, parent volunteers, and caregivers have completed a child protection policy, and lead teachers and caregivers complete fingerprinting.