Ladies, would you be willing to pray for a mom and her family today?
A few days ago a friend of mine, a precious young woman from Park Church, simply and sincerely shared with me the challenges she is facing at this time. As I began to pray for her I realized that God was using her heartfelt expression to make me aware of a need that many of us are feeling as women.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone would come alongside you and walk with you through these uncertain times?
Wherever you find yourself today, God is with you and He is for you. AND He has shared us with one another! The prayer below is the prayer God led me to pray for my friend as she navigates this new school year. It’s been slightly adapted so you can pray for the woman God puts on your heart. (adapt it freely as God shows you how to pray for your friend). You can come alongside someone today by praying for her and then doubly bless her by letting her know she’s on your mind and in your prayers.
FYI I filled a whole page in my journal just brainstorming with the Lord about some of the general and specific needs of women that I am aware of. We are needy! BUT GOD!!! He is able, willing, and wanting to hear us. He’s ready to help us and answer above and beyond our asking!
Lord, thank You that You are ever drawing ____________(put your friend’s name in) to yourself. Help her to get still enough for long enough to hear your voice today! I pray this for myself and for all of our women as well. As we move into this change of season and adapt to ever-changing circumstances we are thankful that you never change. You offer hope, strength, and even joy to sustain us in this journey. Thank you that your plan is that we walk with you, abide in you and tap into the never ending supply of love that you have for us. We are not the source! What a relief! You are our all in all.
Help us to see what this looks like practically and to walk in step with You today and then day by day as each new day unfolds. Help us when we feel like our plans are unraveling. Teach us to pause and pray with confidence that You will show us the way (Proverbs 3:5&6). Lord, I lift up to you (pray by name for a family you know) . Thank you that you are their God. You are pursuing each of them personally, passionately, and persistently! You know their needs and you are pleased to be their provider – their Great Shepherd. Please Grant wisdom in the decisions they need to make. And in this covid craziness, give them enduring love, patience, grace, mercy, and lots of forgiveness for one another (the stuff enduring marriages and all long term relationships are made of).
Please help them to create and keep a healthy and safe home where their children can continue to be nurtured in Your grace and truth. Show them how to seek Your Kingdom 1st in their home and lives taking You up on Your promise that You will take care of the rest. Please go before them in their God given callings including the care and education of their precious children, balance and productivity in their work, expression and enjoyment of their natural talents, and fruitful use of their spiritual gifts!
Thank You, Jesus, that You go before each of us. You blaze a trail and reach out with open invitation to us to come and follow You. Yes! Lord, Yes!
In Jesus name, Amen!
In His love,