What’s the first aspect of what it means to follow Jesus? It’s to be with him, to spend time with him, to hang out with him, to ‘abide’ in him. Learn what this first, crucial step is all about.
Practices to learn to ‘be with’ Jesus
Regular time with Jesus
A part of what it looks like to “be with” Jesus is to set aside regular time to be in connection with him, through prayer, scripture reading, and silence. Maybe it’s 10 minutes in prayer today. Maybe it’s reading our daily bible plan. How might you take a step towards that today?
Ongoing conversation with Jesus
Another part of what it looks like to “be with” Jesus is to develop a conversational relationship with him, where you speak to him and listen to him throughout the day – where you increasingly become aware of his presence in our lives. How can you begin to foster this sort of relationship with him?