
Recent Series



Is your faith bearing fruit? Real fruit, fruit that makes a difference, that makes an impact in your life, that makes an impact in the world around you? If not, consider that your faith needs to become “Rooted”. That’s what this series is all about: growing our faith so that it becomes deeply and firmly rooted in Jesus.

Following Jesus

Following Jesus

Jesus calls us to follow him. He calls us to turn, and to believe in his good news. He calls us to leave behind our old ways of thinking and living and being, and to set out on a new path: his path. The path of Following Jesus. What does that look like for us, for today, for Park Church?

Built to Last

Built to Last

Marriage. Friendships. Family. These are meant to last - and to be good. Very good. Come to Park Church on Sundays this fall and hear about God's design for these important relationships. And please, bring someone along who could use this good word too!

Better Together

Better Together

As followers of Christ, we are better together – so let’s learn how to be better together!

Living Upside Down

Living Upside Down

How does Jesus want us to live? We see in Jesus' Beatitudes, it looks a lot like "Upside Down Living".

Grieving & Growing

Grieving & Growing

Contrary to God's design, loss is a part of life: loss of important people, loss of meaningful friendships, loss of dreams, loss of hopes, loss of a job, loss of the way things used to be. And loss is hard. But God means for us to face our loss honestly, authentically, in depth - but also - with hope. In this series, we explore what it means to grieve faithfully and grow as we grieve.


Older Messages (2008-2016)