Park Kids will be hosting a child dedication class at Park Church:
- Sunday, Nov 6th following service and childcare provided.
What is child dedication?
Child dedication focuses on God’s love for each child and the calling that is placed on the parents and community to help raise them to know and trust God’s love.
What to expect at the child dedication class.
Prior to your child dedication, you must attend our upcoming classes led by one of our Park Kids Leaders. The purpose of this class is to learn what it means to dedicate your child while receiving encouragement, prayer for wisdom, and practical tools for this exciting dedication.
What happens during a child dedication?
For the parents, you are joined by Park Church leaders and the community to celebrate your child and joyfully thanking the Lord for this new addition to the family and to the church community.
The parents are asked to stand before God and commit themselves publicly to raise their child in the nurture and love of the Lord, and for the community at Park Church to pray for the parents as they carry out this responsibility.
If you are interested in having your child dedicated at Park Church join us for one of our upcoming classes to read and discuss scripture, pray for and with one another, ask questions and talk about what dedication means for us at Park Church.
If you have any additional questions about child dedication please email us at