Jesus makes a bold promise that by the end of days, he'll make "all things new" - which is an amazing, earth-shattering promise. But we don't live at the last day, we live to-day. So how does his "all things new" work in us today? Find out in this message!
Sermon Tag: <span>Preacher: Matt Agresti</span>
Be My Servants
What this world needs is a Church that follows Jesus - by serving the world around it. And that means what we need is Christians who are serving Christ by serving the world around them. Will you serve like this?
Jesus, Our Prophet
If you ever wonder what God has to say, look no further than Jesus. He is our prophet, and as prophet, he doesn't just say what God wants to say. He IS what God wants to say. And what he says in Jesus is glorious - full of grace and truth.
Good Vision is God’s Vision
What makes for good vision? Join us as we open the story of Nehemiah - a man to whom God gave a powerful vision, in order to heal the brokenness of his people. In it, we see what makes for good vision.
Waiting for Justice
The birth of Jesus promises the coming of justice - but where is it? When we look around this world, too often we see the right fail and the wrong prevail. So where is justice, and how does it come in Jesus' birth?
Waiting For Peace
What has robbed you of peace? What has you uneasy, unsettled, and undone? Whatever it is, Jesus is the one who brings peace - a peace that passes our understanding. Hear about how Isaiah told us about this years and years before Jesus' birth.
Becoming Thankful
Thankful people tend to just be better off: more content, happier, more generous, less jealous, easier to be around, better in relationships. We all want that. And more than that, God commands us to be thankful. Find out how to take steps towards that in this message.
Gratitude & Grace
Living out of gratitude changes us, it makes us better, and actually, it transforms us into the people who God has made us to be. God has been ultimately gracious to us through Jesus...but the question of our lives is, how will we respond? With gratitude, or will we take it for granted?
Jesus the Rabbi
Jesus' invitation to all of us is to "follow me". But when he calls us to that, what exactly does he mean? We can learn a lot by what other rabbis meant when they called others to "follow me". So let's learn more!
Every Nation, Tribe, People & Language
What is it that divides us? More importantly, what is it that unites us? It's not what we look like, but who we look to. Find out more here!