Do You Know My Name?

Do You Know My Name?

If you want to live the kind of life that gives hope, begin by knowing a few names. Everybody needs somebody who knows their name.

So What’s Your Story?

So What’s Your Story?

What is the story that God is writing in your life? Whatever it is, God means to redeem your story and make it be redeeming for others. Hear more here!

Embodying God’s Love

Embodying God’s Love

When talking about loving those in your ‘way’ as he taught and modelled for us, Jesus had a simple command for us: go and do likewise. You might be the only “Jesus” people ever meet, so how can you go and do likewise towards the people in your ‘way’? We can do it by embodying God’s love.

The Good Samaritan Ripple Effect

The Good Samaritan Ripple Effect

Who knows what can happen when we do our part and "go and do likewise"...well, God knows - and that's the point. Check it out here!

Invest & Invite

Invest & Invite

Jesus calls us to love people who are disadvantageous for us to love, to invest in outsiders, and to invite them in. It's what we're for, and it's imperative that we're doing it. Are you?

Let There Be Glory

Let There Be Glory

So many of our Christmas songs sing about the glory of God, but what does it actually mean? The angels sing it, the shepherds did it, we sing it, and we can even “behold it”…so how can we let there be the glory of Christmas in our lives?

Let There Be Joy

Let There Be Joy

Let there be joy! In this season where the hustle and bustle, traffic and to-do lists overwhelm us – and joy is sung about but not actually practiced - how do we live the joy that Jesus’ birth brings?

Will There Ever Be Enough Time?

Will There Ever Be Enough Time?

Not enough time to be the person you want to be?  You're not alone in feeling that. Hear how making Jesus your priority can change all of that.

Ready to Take the Lead

Ready to Take the Lead

Are you ready to take someone by the hand and lead them along the path of following Jesus?  Get ready and go ALL IN on God's mission!

Love Where You Live

Love Where You Live

When we love like the Good Samaritan loved, we will show others the love of Jesus.  So what we are called to is to love where we live, and when we do, we will show Jesus to others.  Let’s do it!