How can you help during this coronavirus health crisis?
Good question. We’ve got options.
As Sharon mentioned in the video above, there are three very direct, safe, and simple ways to help out during this health crisis. Here they are broken out in some additional detail.
1. Send in a video “Thank You”.
Over the next week, we’re going to work on putting together a big, fun, and joyful video montage of people from Park Church thanking all of those healthcare workers who are putting themselves at risk out there in our hospitals and healthcare facilities, to take care of the sick and vulnerable. This is something Jesus would like to see more of (see Matthew 25!). So send in very short clips (2-5 seconds) of you, your family, your whoever – saying “thank you” to the healthcare workers. Due in to Matt Agresti (just email them to by 9:00PM on this Tuesday, April 21.
2. Send in notes, cards, letters, words of encouragement for elder care facility residents.
We’d love to be able to visit some elder care facilities throughout MoCo to share God’s love with them in this time, but since we can’t do that – we’re going to send in some cards and letters from our kiddos! So grab some construction paper, makers and crayons, and as much glitter as you can find, and get those kids creating! Send in cards over the next week to Park Church (31 Park Rd., Tinton Falls, NJ 07724) and we will send them to elder care facilities throughout MoCo.
3. Donate needed supplies to Lunch Break.
As we’ve been doing for weeks now, we’re collecting supplies to donate to Lunch Break (so they can safely distribute them to those in need). These high-need items can be dropped off directly at Lunch Break (following Lunch Break’s process) during their hours or at Park Church’s building (31 Park Rd) anytime (a donation bin is located under the overhang in the front entrance where the big Park Church logo is):
- Instant oatmeal in individual packets
- Canned soup
- Canned beans
- Canned green beans
- Peanut butter
- Canned tuna
- Toiletries
- Diapers
- Toilet paper
There’s more to come, so keep an eye out for updates. If you have a great idea for who Park Church can help others in this time, please email And if you are in need of help, also, please email
Contact Sharon Newberry with any further questions.