Blessed are the Merciful

Blessed are the Merciful

This is big: the goal of mercy is more mercy...the goal of mercy is not a hand moved to seize a debtor by the throat: it is a heart moved to release someone from debt’s grip.

Blessed are the Meek

Blessed are the Meek

The meek person restrains his power for the sake of the other, rather than asserting themselves to advance their own cause. The meek person is patient – waiting on God, the meek person is non-defensive because they know and see who they are in God’s eyes, the meek person is approachable. And so the meek person – leaves their sword in its place.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

You don't think of being "poor" in anything as being "blessed" - but Jesus does - and that's what makes this such "Upside Down" Living.