God is Good

God is Good

God is good. This is the truth that we explore - so that we can hold on to it and live like it - as we kick off our new "God Is..." series. The question is, how can we come to know this for ourselves - deep inside of us - and not just intellectually? Find out more here!

Let the Oppressed Go Free

Let the Oppressed Go Free

Do you control "it", or does "it" control you? "It" points to something deeper and darker, something that oppresses us universally - and something that Jesus came to free us from. The question is, how can we help free others from "it"?

Sight to the Blind

Sight to the Blind

If only we could see clearly…how different would we be, how different would our faith look, how different would our world look? Jesus came to give clear sight to us – and we can follow him by bringing that to others. Check it out here!

True Humility

True Humility

What does true humility look like?  It's the kind of humility that we need to cross the divide and be part of God's mending of this broken world. It's the kind of humility that Jesus shows us.

Q&A: The Story

Q&A: The Story

Throughout The Story series, we took your questions about the big story told in Scripture. Today, we did our best to answer a few of them!

Act 4: Redemption

Act 4: Redemption

Jesus: the center, the climax of the story. From his life, to his death, and through to his resurrection, he shows us who God is, brings about his kingdom on earth, and calls us each to follow him.

The Consolation of Israel

The Consolation of Israel

Have you ever been through a season in life and wondered, "God, where were you in that?" Israel had been through 100s of years worth of it, but when one Israelite saw Jesus for the first time - everything changed. Maybe everything can change for you too?

The Giver & The Gift

The Giver & The Gift

Christmas is essentially a story of God giving us his greatest gift. When we receive it, it changes everything. Hear more from this year's Christmas Eve message!

We Need to Know Our Lord

We Need to Know Our Lord

Christian faith is faith in Jesus. So that means that you need to know him. Jesus, as he really is. Jesus, maybe, as you never knew him. Jesus, who never stops surprising us.

Pentecost: One More Day that Changed the World

Pentecost: One More Day that Changed the World

We talked about the meal, the cross, the grave, and the resurrection - but there is one more day that changed the world. In this week's message, we discover that together so that we can go and share the good news of Jesus with the world around us!