Good News People

Good News People

Jesus very clearly told us what he came to do: to bring good news to the poor, and deliverance to the captives, and sight to the blind, and to set the oppressed free, and to usher in the age of the Lord's favor. If we want to follow Jesus, it means that we are to be a Good News People after him. How can we do the kind of things today that he did then?

Cross the Divide

Cross the Divide

It is obvious that we live in a divided world. It’s divided across lines of race, politics, ideology, socio-economics, and much more. The power of the cross of Christ transcends these divisions, and creates a new community, a new path forward, and a new way to follow Jesus by crossing that divide. That’s what this series is about, and that’s why you’re going to want to tune in!

Missing Out

Missing Out

Graduations. School. Work opportunities. Weddings. Funerals. Sports seasons. Seeing grandparents. Seeing grandkids. Vacations. Church. During this pandemic, we’ve all been missing out on a lot. But what if God wanted us to make the most while we’re missing out? Turns out, he does. Join us in this new series that will show us how God wants us to make this most while we’re missing out.

Drawing Near

Drawing Near

In this coronavirus health crisis, we are at a unique time in our lives where we are far from others. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still move closer to God. In this series, we’ll aim to do just that: draw closer to God through the Psalms.

The Story

The Story

The Bible portrays itself as one story and in fact, as the one true story of the world. Not just your truth or my truth, but it is the truth for all of the world. And it all points to Jesus. It invites us to put aside our stories, and to live its story instead. It's our real story anyway.

Generous God, Generous People

Generous God, Generous People

God so loved, that he gave. This is the basic pattern of faith, life, generosity - of God - that we read in Scripture. Above all else, God is a generous God. We see this when we reflect on the fact that God gave his only Son to be born a human baby on that very first Christmas. Our calling, in light of Christmas, is to be a generous people as we follow after God's generosity. So let's learn to be generous together!

In All the Wrong Places

In All the Wrong Places

Deep in our bones, we know we're made for something more. We reach for it. We long for it. We struggle for it. We spend our lives looking for it. The problem is we tend to look for it in all the wrong places. This series will explore what we are made for, where we go to find it, why it goes so wrong, and where the right place to look truly is.

This Then Is How You Should Pray

This Then Is How You Should Pray

How should we pray? Good question. It's a question that, whether we know it or not, we all could use a good answer to. Thankfully, Jesus gives us an answer. It's called the Lord's Prayer, and it is an amazing guide for how we can pray. That's what we'll explore in this series!

Snapshots of Jesus

Snapshots of Jesus

When you get a good look at Jesus, it's hard to not want to follow him. In this series, we hope to do just that: give you a good look at Jesus through individual snapshots from his life. Maybe you'll see him in a way you never have. Maybe you'll see what you need to see in him to have faith. Maybe you'll see what in him what changes your life forever. Take a look.

It’s Personal

It’s Personal

It’s all too easy to be shallow with one another. Shallow is easy, shallow is quick, shallow is clean. It’s harder to get personal. Personal is difficult, personal is costly, personal is messy. But it is in the personal that lives get changed, hearts get reached, and people are drawn to Jesus. So let’s get personal because, “It’s Personal”.