Do As Jesus Did

Do As Jesus Did

We are with Jesus, so we can become like him, and ultimately, do as he did. But what did he do, and how can we do just as he did? Find out here.

Act 5: Church

Act 5: Church

As people of Act 5, this is our part of the story - which means it's your part of the story. And God has a great part for us to play. So what is it that you are called to do in this time?

Do You Know What I Can Do?

Do You Know What I Can Do?

We all need someone who knows our potential, whether or not we know it ourselves. And that's just it: often times, we don't know it ourselves. But here's the good news: God knows it, and we believe God has created us all for something more.

Do You Know What Matters to Me?

Do You Know What Matters to Me?

When you get to know what matters to them, you show them they matter. And that matters. Because everybody needs somebody who knows what matters to them.

Do You Know My Name?

Do You Know My Name?

If you want to live the kind of life that gives hope, begin by knowing a few names. Everybody needs somebody who knows their name.

We Need to Know How to Think & Love

We Need to Know How to Think & Love

For all of our lives, we’ve been taught what to think. The best of our teachers, parents, and leaders will teach us how to think. What Jesus wants is for us to think again: to think like him, to become like him, to love like him.

Carrying People to Jesus

Carrying People to Jesus

One of the best ways to love where you live is simply to pray for the people around you. Check out this very challenging message on this central piece of our mission!

Invest & Invite

Invest & Invite

Jesus calls us to love people who are disadvantageous for us to love, to invest in outsiders, and to invite them in. It's what we're for, and it's imperative that we're doing it. Are you?

Let’s Get Our Stories Straight

Let’s Get Our Stories Straight

The church exists in the world as God’s people in order to be a blessing to those around – to love where we live. So how can we do that better? It all starts with the story that we live by, the story we tell ourselves, and the story our lives actually tell. So let’s get our stories straight, and be God’s people for the world together!

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