Be Still

Be Still

Every winter, apple trees become “dormant.” They do not produce fruit and, on the surface, it seems like nothing important is happening. They just sit there – cold, dreary, and fruitless. However, winter “dormancy” for apple trees – though it seems like a wasted season – is actually vitally important for their health and growth.
Similarly…it’s winter. It’s cold. It’s snowy. And COVID is still here. With our eyes on spring, warmer weather, and the hope of a vaccine, it’s easy to lose sight of what God wants to do in you right now – even in this “dormant” season.
So here’s the question:

How might God be inviting you to grow during this season?

That’s what we’ll being to explore in our new series, “Be Still”. Check it out here!
Why Can’t We Rest?

Why Can’t We Rest?

Categories: Be Still, Video Worship
March 21, 2021

Even in a season of staying at home more, commuting less, scaling back and slowing down - we are more tired than ever. Why? It's because we don't know how to find rest. Begin to discover how in this message!

Self-Reflection Matters

Self-Reflection Matters

Categories: Be Still, Video Worship
March 14, 2021

In life, it's all too easy to get lost. If we don't develop a practice of self-reflection, who knows how off course we can become? In this message, we explore the danger of not self-reflecting, as well as how to do it well.

Silence & Solitude

Silence & Solitude

Categories: Be Still, Video Worship
March 7, 2021

Silence. Solitude. Jesus needed it. And so do we. In a world that is noisy and hunting for our attention, what could the value of silence be for our lives, for our direction, and for our relationship with the God whom we meet there? 

Waiting in Faith

Waiting in Faith

Categories: Be Still, Video Worship
February 28, 2021

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we need to learn to wait: for a cure, through a quarantine, for nice weather, for things to 'back to normal'. In our waiting, we can be discouraged and distraught...or we can learn to wait in faith - with patience and with hope. We can learn how to do that from the story of Joseph.

The Art of Being Present

The Art of Being Present

Categories: Be Still, Video Worship
February 21, 2021

In a world of so much distraction, one of our biggest challenges is simply being present to the people in our lives. But isn't that what people truly need? It's something Jesus was great at, and we can learn from him.